Social Prescribing

Helping you to live well.


What is this service?

We partner with Onside Advocacy to provide social prescribing and wellbeing coaching to patients in the Vale of Evesham. These services are designed to support patients in living a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle - with a holistic approach that goes beyond medicine.

If you think you would benefit from any of these services, you can find out more here, and self-refer.

What is social prescribing?


It’s estimated that one in five of the people who go to see their GP are troubled by things that can’t be cured by medical treatment. GPs tell us that they spend significant amounts of time dealing with the effects of poor housing, debt, stress and loneliness.

Many people are overwhelmed and can’t reach out to make the connections that could make a difference to their situation. This is especially true for people who have long-term conditions, who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.

Our social prescribing link workers help people to identify what matters to them, and work out how to connect with the activities that might make a difference.

Social Prescribing is suitable for any patient whose health & wellbeing is being impacted by practical or social issues, such as:

  • Benefits and money

  • Employment and education

  • Unemployment

  • Loneliness and isolation

  • Family

  • Housing

What is Wellbeing Coaching?


This service is appropriate for patients presenting with mild mental health difficulties, such as: 

  • Stress and anxiety 

  • Self-esteem issues 

  • Grief 

  • Sleep problems 

  • Low mood 

  • Panic attacks 

  • Anger management 

This is a set programme consisting of up to 6 one to one sessions where patients have the opportunity to explore a range of evidence based strategies and tools to be able to manage their own mental health issues.

This service is not suitable for patients with a history of chronic or more complex mental health issues or patients experiencing crisis.

To access this service, you’ll need to be referred by your GP.

What do these services involve?

We adopt a personalised approach to each patient’s circumstances and needs, understanding what matters to them and what their priorities are. From this a plan is developed to build their confidence in tackling any day to day issues, connect them to appropriate services and support and enable them to make informed choices moving forward. 


How to access these services.

We’ve partnered with Onside Advocacy, who provide these services across our Primary Care Network.

Each practice has links with a Wellbeing Team - a Social Prescriber and Wellbeing Coach - provided by Onside. You can self-refer, or be referred to them by your GP practice .

To find out more, visit the Onside Advocacy website at the link below.